Thursday, September 30, 2010

going after my dream

I have always wanted to write a book. And I have decided that I need to follow that dream. While thinking about this adventure an idea came to mind to start a blog about my life. " I wish I was an Octopus: How I balance who I want to be, who I need to be, and well who I am." It will be about me and my kids and my family. And how I try to keep my life a float. I have written a few posts on this Wilcox's blog and seems like people are liking it.
I believe that if I get enough people to follow my new blog, write comments, and share it with people that something good will happen. I have a few people who could be interested and point me in the right direction. But I want to present them with something that is in the works. I dunno. I am thinking 6 months of posts. I know that this is a total looooong shot. And hopefully a book does come out of it, or maybe just a popular blog - thus enticing people to advertise. Anyone interested??? I just have to say I feel good about this. I have been feeling for a while that I need some type of new adventure. I can do this and still be a mom.
So check it out. Tell me what you think. comment. The link is below. Try it out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

organizing my groceries ??

Today I once again saw my favorite commercial. It is the one made by post-its to advertise their new product.

PPost-it label pads. A lady is dancing around because everything in her house is color coded and organized and just perfect. I know that is the impossible dream, but one that would be so fun to live in. Organization and office supplies I love you. The other day I looked into my money organizer and saw that I still had some birthday money and was thinking about all the fun ways I could spend it. Money, clothing, food, a small vacation ( probably could only afford to go to the next city), then after I saw this commercial I knew. Date night is coming up and I am going to take my husband to the office supply store and get office supplies. I'm thinking I am going to have to surprise him- that way he is stuck :). He does not share my love.
I must have orgainization on my mind because the other day I was at the grocery store and I was daydreaming. I was thinking how fun it would be to go to the store with seven boxes that fit nicely in my cart. The seven boxes would be for each day of the week. I would then grocery shop and put the items in their appropiate box. That way I cant over or under buy and they would be in fun little boxes. Then I would have them placed in grocery bags still all organized and I would have seven boxes in my pantry and seven in my fridge - all labeled of course and I would divey out the food where it goes. Just think of how much time I would save and how awsome it would look. It just makes me smile of how jealious all my friends would be and they would adopt the new trend and I could start a line of "green" boxes from market to home. But that idea crashed and burned when I told my friends of my great day dream and I got this puzzled look from them.
Well as my son says on his birthday. " I wish, I wish , I wish.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fueling the good person

Lately Noah has been very interested in coffee. Why do our not drink coffee? Why do other people drink it and not us? Apparently all the reasons that I gave him were not acceptable (which is normal) he made his own observations. A little background on my son before the story. He loves trains and cars and thinks that he consumes water and food as fuel like cars and trains do. So him asking for fuel or energy would be the same as a kids asking for a drink of water or milk. Back to the story. After Noah asking question after question about coffee and me giving answer after answer he says " oh I know why we don't drink coffee. When we drink water it fuels our good person and when we drink coffee it fuels our bad person. And we don't want to fuel our bad person, so we should not drink coffee." There you have it fokes. If you don't want to fuel your bad person don't drink coffee. How he gets these ideas is beyond me. But the fact that he comes up with his own answers inspires me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The inspiring artist

Just to let everyone know Noah has been banned from markers for a while. Today while I was watching them- well lack there of. I found that Noah had color his younger brother Preston with Markers. He must have ran out of paper. Which is odd because we have so much paper I have no idea what to do with it all. But lately he is a coloring craze and your younger brother is something that you just don't get to color every day. I am guessing that Preston was ok with it since he did not cry about it. As a good parent I am, I just said "ok" because it was my fault. I have clarified, to my son, that we do not color on the walls, or my kitchen table, or our toy cars. I must have miss YOUR BROTHER!! And if you know my Noah you must know that you must clarify all aspects of all the rules. He is just barley 4 and will find the chinks in all rules. Anyways, we ended up taking a mid afternoon bath. I must say that now I am going to have to go and buy the book. Purple, Green and Yellow by
Robert N. Munsch.
It is a wonderful book about a girl who gets markers and colors her dad while is is sleeping. Great book. I wonder if Robert ever had a first hand experience of actually coloring his sibling or he got to take the parent role - like I did today. ???

Sorry no pictures. I need to learn. Take pictures. Just have to hope it does not backfire- and encourage bad thing. But maybe I could sell a book about all the things that my kids do and all things that they get into. Hmmm idea. New Anne Geddes line????