Thursday, May 31, 2012

Noah 2012 June favorites

For Noah's last day of Pre school he drew a picture of himself and told the teacher his favorites
Color: red
Food: chicken in a biscuit
Candy: snicker doodle cookies
Show: power rangers and tin tin
Toy: remote control car
When I grow up I want to be : a fisherman.

Not quite sure where he got the fisherman thing from but alright.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fathers and sons

Mothers day weekend Kevin Noah and Preston went to fathers and sons at the beach. the boys camped that night and roasted marshmallow and stayed up till 11. They all slept well.
Then next morning they climbed the sand dunes with some other families and sled down then.
Kevin had a grand time going up and down. We got a ton of videos but no pictures.
Noah had a fun time running around with his friends and watching his friends catch crabs and the dock.
Preston kept saying that he wants to go camping with me.
I said ok. ...... I was secretly jealous that got to go camping at the beach. -----and it was a beautiful hot day there.

So we are planning a weekend camping trip soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby kisses

Nursing has not always been my favorite thing. But I knew it was the best for my babies and thus I have prevailed. My last baby has been great-loves when I nurse and loves when I give him the bottle.
I was worried that I would though loose that special bond that nursing has.
Baby must have known I was concerned about this; so when I give him the bottle he always lifts his hand to my lips for me to kiss .
The picture is not the greatest but I wanted to capture that memory.