Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 11 of summer splash park with cousins

Since it was in the high 90's  today we went to a cute park the has a little splash zone. The big boys lost interest quickly and just wanted to be pushed on the tire swing.
Jack liked it until it squirted him in the face. - poor thing is still sick. And aubree was NOT interested. But we tried and tried.
The kids played on the slides. We ate lunch and then went home.
Preston and jack both fell a sleep on the way home. -score!!! Preston has been cranky/exhausted for days and I was glad I was not holding jack for a minute.
I got to cuddle with Noah and work on my lesson. Smile for Friday and rest up for a craaaazy Saturday.

1 comment:

~Trish said...

awww.The pic of aubree and jack is cute. It was a very fun park. Thanks for the invite.