Saturday, August 8, 2009

5 years

It's been 5 years. WOW!!! We went out to dinner at Cindy's. I love this place. We had a lot of yummie food. Thanks for a great 5 years. Look how far we have come We then went for a walk and got this car and kevin got be an eitable arrangement. Which is a big fruit basket in the shape of flowers.

adventures with christine

My sister Christine is home from the summer and so we have decided that we needed to go on alot of adventures while she is in town. She is home for the sumer working at the Napa Valley Opera House. The NVOP put on a concert at Mondavi, a winery, featuring Smokey Robinson . It was wonderful. Its just in this big court yard and everyone brings yummie food and lawn chairs. So to sum it up I ate cheese, bread, grapes, cookies, and other yummies, while sitting in a beautiful vinyard, chatting with my sister, and listened to Smokey live. I have such a good life. It was a blast and i'm sad that the summer concerts are over for the season. Thanks christine!! You have the best job ever :)
The next adventure was going to San Fran to ride public transportation. We rode the ferry in.
Christine knew the caption and he let Noah help him drive the boat.
And blow the big horn. He thought that was fun.
After we road the ferry we went on the metro and our adventure turned into a food odyssey. We took the BART into the mission district to find ice-cream. We have no pictures of BART, because well its BART and its yuckie and the stop that we took was probably not the best part of San Fran and I already felt like we were a walking target. Two girls, two kids, pushing a stroller and holding a baby.
Back to the ice cream. We went to this place called BI-Rite. I had heard about it on the food network. It has all these crazy flavors like salted carmel, and honey lavender, ginger, ect.. see below. Well they are very nice and let you try all the flavors. We told the lady we were on a food odyssey and she was so excited that she was making us try all these fun flavors. It's in the hippy district so you get to try all the ice cream on real spoons, but they are very eclectic. Anyways we ended up getting a Sam's Sunday. It's chocolate ice cream, with olive oil, sea salt, and whip cream. SOUNDS WIERD- but oh so good. We ended up walking over to a park and eating it while enjoying the SAN Fran sun. What a wonderful day in the city. We are going to make the adventure again :)


Kevin's birthday 28 on 28th

Since it was kevin's golden birthday I (Alix) decided to through him a surprise birthday party. We invited a bunch of people from the ward and my family came up. He was almost suprised. Thats a bummer. It was fun. We had cake, ice cream and even a Pinata. My two sisters came up early to decorate. We had balloons everywhere and Sarah made 28 signs that said happy 28th on the 28th.

I wanted to have the movie Up from Disney be there theme of the party, but it is still to recent and they didn't have any decoration. I am still on the look out for a kevin bird from the movie.

UP_wallpapers_1600x1200_06.jpgThat is kevin's present from me.

We also got a pinata. Here is a video